Create a static HTML web app by using Azure Cloud Shell

In the local directory

  1. Create your folder
mkdir myfolder

cd myfolder

  1. Create simple html. Notice that it will generate index.html file with content "test app service deploy"


echo "test app service deploy" >> index.html

  1. Login to azure account using cli
az login

  1. After successful authentication, deploy your file using this command
az webapp up -g <resourcegroupName> -n <yourAppName>--html


az webapp up -g az204pg -n testappservicedeploy --html

Note: It will automatically create own App Service Plan



  1. Access your new static site by clicking or pasting the default domain in the browser.


  1. Bonus: To delete this sample static site
az webapp delete --name testappservicedeploy --resource-group az204pg